Wednesday, February 27, 2008


2 days 'till I get keys to my new place! Yup, I'm finally moving into a large studio on my own. No more roommates, no more fighting with roommates about being too loud or not cleaning up after themselves, no more ridiculous energy wasting resulting in exorbitantly high electricity bills...more nesting and being comfortable. The last 2-3 months at my current residence have been far from peaceful, to the point where I am so done with living there that I'm staying at the SO's place this week until I can move into my new place. I can hardly wait any longer. I will have more space to breathe, and space to cook, make art, knit, build things, and might even have the ability to use the space as a photography studio from time to time due to the fact that there's a lot of space and high ceilings. I'm also excited about having concrete floors - I will be able to use my tools indoors! I've already been dreaming up layouts for the apartment, looking at IKEA for things I can't really afford right now, and dreaming of all the creative things I'll now have space (and peace and quiet) for.

In knitting land...I now only have to knit sleeves for my sweater, and have finally finished some socks, minus the leg hem and blocking. New project for new space: Dye some yarn!

I also have an idea for a rug - I really like the cheap flokati rugs from IKEA, but I'm not too keen on owning a white one. Since it's wool, theoretically I could dye it...but would it be too much of a pain in the ass? I think I'm going to try, maybe for deep reds or earthy greens...

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