Monday, March 3, 2008


I finally spent a night in my new casa last night! It feels great to be in my own space. I realized after not staying in my old house for over a week that it was making me sick - coughing, sneezing, wheezing, feeling miserable. I've been really ill off and on with respiratory distress for the past 4 months. I still don't feel 100% better but am about 95% there, with no more wheezing and haven't used any allergy medication in 2-3 days. Woo hoo, now I don't feel so decrepit! I've warned my ex roommates about the possibility that there is toxic mold in the house, but we'll see if they do anything about it. I'm powerless, as I was not on the lease.

Anyway...that's all over now! I have a huge studio to live in! Despite my exhaustion from moving all day Saturday, I manage to get my kitchen unpacked and the beginning of my workspace setup. I'm hoping to section off the bed and my workspace so it's not immediately visible as I walk in the door - I think a clean living area will help keep the feeling of sanctuary and inspiration. Since my yarn was already packed in clear totes, it was easy to find, and I've already started swatching for a new sweater now that my first one is already done...

In any case it's a relief to be done, and know that I have much more room for creativity and sanctuary.

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