Wednesday, October 17, 2007

final t-shirt logo

Blech, I've been sick this past week with a horrible cough and haven't gotten much done. I'm finally feeling better today and just figured out that I have exactly one week and a half to finish my costume! My goal is the 27th as Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year, so parties are inevitably going to fall the weekend before that. This Saturday I'm planning on storming Fry's and the fabric store, and Sunday I'm hoping to put it all together. Hopefully before that, I will have finished stenciling my t-shirt with the following:

I decided to go with font that was easy to cut out and stencil since I don't have time to get supplies and make a silkscreen.

In other news, I finally started organizing my yarn stash and my photos this past weekend while home recovering from the plague. The yarn is now organized by color neatly in two clear plastic bins, plus a third bin for current projects. My digital photos are a different story...I'm converting to organizing by date and then subject, which is a huge improvement over the last system - folders with vague descriptions of the contents. This will be much easier to navigate, and soon I hope to upload stuff to flickr or smugmug for online organization and archiving.

I also ordered a new lens this week, and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival so I can fully use my DSLR again! I ended up purchasing slightly used from and saved almost $100. It's really comparable to the kit lens in focal length (about a 26-70mm 35mm equivalent) but has a fixed 2.8 aperture, which means it's lots faster and lots sharper. I've been really skeptical about buying zoom lenses so far, as I've gotten such great results with prime focal lengths (tack sharp 16x20s with my Olympus that can probably stretch to 20x30 or bigger with little loss in resolution) and really poor results with zooms. However, this lens had great reviews, has all the focal lengths I really use, and was highly recommended over at Strobist. I'm really excited to test it out and get a lot more serious with my photography.

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